Direction RD

R&D Management

The Innovation and R&D Management office: A catalyst for future value

Innovation is at the core of a company and is reviewed by most managers, from managerial innovation up to product innovation.

The principal challenge of Innovation and R&D within an organisation is to find a balance between investments, future growth opportunities, and industry changes and challenges. Its legitimacy resides specifically in its ability to effectively manage the innovation strategy and to provide methods that create real and measurable results. It also takes root in its ability to include internal resources while remaining competitive on a global scale.

R&D and Innovation plays an essential role in creating future products and services. Companies are attentive to the risks related to investments in R&D from which they expect the best short-term profitability. It us up to the management to prove that their R&D initiatives result in growth, development, and new future opportunities. Most companies direct their activities with an increased attention on the development cycle, the time-to-market, the ROI and additional financing sources.

In an environment where continual innovation is key, it is the responsibility of the R&D and Innovation Managers to consider all external opportunities such as: participation in collaborative research projects, identification of new activities for innovation and future opportunities. It is their responsibility to keep the lines of communication open both internally and externally, knowing how to obtain value from the results of their work.

It is, in fact, the responsibility of the Innovation Managers to effectively work with all stakeholders of the company to gain in efficiency in areas such as:  Marketing, Operations, Production, Transformation, Information Systems Management, and HR Management.

Direction RD2

Ayming is your partner in R&D to boost innovation in Belgium and globally.

We want to help you to innovate as effectively and as much as possible! We support your innovation projects, from the creation of the idea to its industrialisation, in order to achieve concrete results.

Our customised solutions are organised around 5 key dimensions:

  • Provide a strategic vision on technological trends and markets, stages of growth or challenges, and internal capacities of the company;
  • Contribute data for making the educated decisions, whether it is based on your overall structure or internally;
  • Provide resources to better govern, organize, and manage the launch of innovative (partial exemption from payment of withholding tax on wages for researchers, deduction for investments, tax deduction for innovation revenue) or R&D related projects (VLAIO, Innoviris, DG06, H2020) which lift internal roadblocks to innovation;
  • Explore, finance and secure projects by aligning financing and subsidies which promote innovation and R&D;
  • Improve processes, project management, and performance of innovation;