
Performing in a crisis | Extraordinary results in uncertain times

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juli 8, 2020

“Performing in a crisis: Extraordinary results in uncertain times” is a timely look at how performance in the business world is changing.

The COVID-19 crisis imposed conditions on businesses which seemed previously unimaginable. Across Europe, the economy came to a halt overnight, leading to an immediate reorganisation of corporate activities. This reorganisation forced businesses to make tough decisions to avoid health tragedies and economic disasters. 

To help businesses that are facing or might face similar decisions, the Ayming Institute has gathered the testimonials of four leaders who have achieved exceptional results in order to overcome this unprecedented crisis:

Nicolas BRIEN

CEO of France Digitale

Charles COURT

Head of Department in Orthopaedic Surgery of the Paris Hospitals


Chief Executive of Crédit Lyonnais


Human Resources Director of Ayming Group


In this book you will discover how performance involves much more than mere economic success, especially in an emergency situation. How it involves the organisation of work, the extensive implementation of remote working, and the adoption of new forms of digital communication to keep employees engaged and productive.


These experts want to share with all managers how they were able to quickly adapt their organisations to survive the initial restrictions and maintain, or even improve, their level of performance. Their experiences are collected in the book Performing in a crisis: Extraordinary results in uncertain times. This book offers businesses not only a transversal vision of managers at the heart of the crisis, but a practical guide to help overcome it.

We invite you to take a step back from the acute consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, and think on our relationship with performance and the adaptability that is essential to perform in all circumstances.

The book is available on Amazon or Fnac.

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